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Meet Atlas Delivery
Fast loading without queues at warehouse, manufacture, and store
What is Atlas Gate Management?
single tool for loading and unloading management online
booking slots in real time
notifications about loading status and delays
single service for cooperation between warehouse, drivers and logists
Loading today
hours-long live queues at warehouse entrance
live queues for loading onsite
schedule moves because of delays
waiting for releasing the documents for exit
What does it cause?
amends for idle-time
increasing of transportation cost
increasing of transportation time
idle time of loading gates
How does Atlas Gate Management work?
Warehouse's workers set working time of warehouse's gates and set SLA's for loading and unloading time
1. Management of loading slots
Logist books loading/unloading time at the gates with suitable parameters
2. Gate Booking
A driver gets reminders before arrival to the warehouse in mobile application
3. Reminder for driver
A warehouse gets a notification that vehicle is arriving, is waiting or is late and the window is getting free
4. Loading statuses notifications
In case of delay, a warehouse worker offers a new time of loading and a driver gets notification about it
5. Schedule changes

Gate Management Results
waiting time reduces by 7.4 hours
loading speed increases to 62%
transportation costs reduce by 11%
idle time of loading window reduces by 74%